Here is your one-page summary that identifies your current wellness and the next best steps towards your wellbeing. Based on your answers, we have determined what you need to remove, rebuild or restore to strengthen your weakest wellness pillars and reach long term wellbeing.



We know that there’s a lot to take in, but don’t worry – we’ll send you an email that includes a link to these results. Over the next few days, our founder, Simone Laubscher (PhD) will guide you through your Wellness Profile and unpack the Seven Pillars of Wellness.



Significant changes start with small steps. Do not try to change everything this week. Keep your Wellness Profile as a point of reference and decide on the one goal to focus on today. If it’s hard to choose, pick the one with the lowest score.

HINT: Values closer to the middle of the diagram indicates a weak pillar, the pillars with value around the edge of the diagram is your stronger pillars. All recommendations have one goal: to strengthen your health in each pillar of wellness. 



Your answers form the base for the advice and recommended supplements to strengthen your health. We have listed the top supplements for each pillar in a box at the end. We’re confident that you’ll see results with our supplements which is why we’ll give you 20% discount off your first order. Spend £60 or more using the code PILLAR at checkout for a 20% DISCOUNT TODAY. 


Let’s start with your diagram to identify your weak pillars. 


To fast track your health and get all you need from food, you can use some key supplements to support your immune system. It is possible to achieve this by eating the right food but it is a major investment of time and money to make sure you get it right. High quality, organic & pure whole-food supplements are a way of guaranteeing you get exactly the right ingredients in the right form at the right time each day. Our founder, Simone Laubscher, PhD spent over 10 years formulating supplements for Rejuv and Welleco. The vitamin industry is a minefield so we always suggest whole-food supplements from plants not synthetic from a lab.

  • Do use whole food supplements?

    Taking daily supplements is great. Just make sure they are whole-food, plant-based not synthetic for otherwise, it is an expensive way to colour your pee as it goes straight through and your health will not benefit.

  • Does your pee go bright yellow when you take your supplements?

    Synthetic vitamins make your urine come out bright yellow. Your body needs whole-food, non-synthetic vitamins and supplements for your health to benefit.


Now more than ever in our current environment it is key to use food as medicine to support all of our 11 Body Systems including our immune system. Our bodies need whole-food nutrition now more than ever, clean water, married in with herbs, spices & herbal teas.
  • How often do you eat sugar or use diet sugar?

    Eating sugar monthly (diet or regular) will not cause any huge issues for your health, and life is all about balance after all. If you choose to treat yourself, then enjoy it. Still, the real sugar is far better for you than the diet varieties, as diet sugar is now linked to cancer and obesity.

  • How often do you eat gluten?

    Eating gluten weekly may cause issues, especially if you already have IBS or any gut-related problems. Best to stay off gluten till your gut is healed and then add it in slowly. If you choose to enjoy some gluten, opt for the whole wheat/whole grain varieties as they have more fibre. Fibre is an excellent prebiotic to support your gut microbiome and immune system.

    To support digestion take 2 Digestive Support Capsules before any treat meal. If you have IBS symptoms, consider the 30 Day Reset Pack or our Digestive Cleanse Pack .

  • How often do you eat dairy?

    Eating dairy monthly will not cause any huge issues for your health. If you choose to treat yourself with dairy, do enjoy it but opt for the organic varieties as they have no added hormones and will cause less inflammation. Organic kefir is the best option as they are high in probiotics to support your gut microbiome and immune system. If you tend to get mucus after eating dairy best to take 2 Digestive Support Capsules before any treat meal that has dairy.

  • How often do you drink caffeinated drinks

    Adding caffeine to your diet weekly will not cause any huge issues for your health, and you're in control of the caffeine cravings. If you choose to treat yourself, then enjoy it, but opt for the organic barista varieties over instant.

    It is best to avoid caffeine till you re-gain your balance if you have fatigue, live under high stress, have high blood pressure, IBS problems, skin issues, inflammation or hormonal issues. Taking our Super Greens Powder, Sea & Soil Super Greens Capsules, Liver Support Capsules , Organic Turmeric Blend and/or Antioxidant Capsules will greatly support your system to be able to deal with coffee and any other toxic load for that matter.


Regular movement and exercise are not only great for your heart but your immune system too. Balance is the key for too little and too much exercise, due to free radical damage, can reduce your immune system. is a free service from Rejuv Wellness © Rejuv Ltd 2020-2023 | Privacy Policy